Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Feminine Principles Essay Example for Free

Feminine Principles Essay People usually accept themselves as weak and helpless because of the speed of economical and social changes and the destruction of labor security. Therefore, it is a period of the unsafe world we live in. However, a majority of real experts and specialists, especially women, are getting to know how to find out their workplaces rather than hoping for an innovated structure in the society. Women are different from men, in particular, in choosing the leadership ways. As a matter of fact a female advantage takes place. All human beings are created of the excellent coordination of the Masculine and Feminine Principles, and all persons have both male and female power as a piece of their being humans. Our views of male and female have been much distorted under the terrestrial circumstances that were the reasons of the derangement in the human life. Our common cultural ideas of what a man is, and what a woman is, are distorted, artificially created stereotypes of what these genders are indeed. A significant piece of this treatment process is looking for some balance in the relationship between male’s and female’s power, and reaching some equilibrium in our mutual relations with the male and female power around our world and us. We fail to do this if we have distorted concepts about the essence of a man and a woman. In course of time as a rule leaders have been depicted as men it is only not so long ago that women are starting to obtain recognition for their abilities in Leadership. Still, women can be such good leaders as men. The main thing is how women accept themselves. Being surrounded by men women shouldn’t feel unconfident and they shouldn’t be afraid to say something not to look silly. They have to treat themselves as strong human beings but not as weak creatures. †¦Feminist movements possess a unique sense for the instant future. Those movements have to be comprehended, not as an affirmation of superiority, but as the creation of fairness. There have been a lot of discussions about balance and equilibrium; accurately for this principle to come a reality women’s’ rights have been enhanced. People mustn’t think that this will be advantageous only for women; it will foster general balance, and therefore it is essentially for concordant evolution. Sally Helgeson in her book â€Å"The Female Advantage: Womens Ways of Leadership† portrayed an inquiry of four female leaders carried out in the 80s and comparing it to a study made by Mintzberg (How Men Lead in 1973) applying the familiar ways understood as diary studies. These studies are my favorite ones. They are carried out by spending the whole day for some weeks with the matter and registering every tasks then classifying them. The study by Mintzberg contained five men that have been main leaders in business of their times. This book depicted the discrepancies between women and men and set out that maternity brings up management, conversation abilities and capability to balance. Women concentrate on the process and men concentrate on reaching the set goals and completion. As a matter of fact women can be flexible. They can fulfill diverse tasks and assess coordination and relations. The writer determines the leadership system applied by men as Hierarchy. (Mitstifer, D. I. 1995) †¦This structure pursues a row of command; data is filtered out, collected and classified as it goes to the top across proper channels. The female leadership characteristics are depicted as a Web system that makes communication easier. I would like to trade places with Margaret Thatcher. She was sticking to the men’s leadership features. She has never set certain targets but she has been trying to make use of any opportunity. Helgesen revealed that the places of employment women had inclined to be webs of inclusion. She clarified that their organizations were structured like a web but not a hierarchy and that distributing data and information was a main principle of their efficacy. The web of inclusion can be named as a model for helping us redesign the institutions that frame our lives (Helgesen, 1995, p. 16). Web-like organizations are especially apt to be driven by clearly articulated values, since a tight focus on mission is the glue that holds their flowing structures together. (Helgesen, 1995, p. 286) The web of inclusion, backed up by the new science (Wheatley, 1994), reveals the universe in operation: not as a precisely calibrated great machine in which each constituent part is locked into its own immutable slot, but rather as pulses of energy that continually evolve and assume shifting shapes as the various elements interact, and in which identity is inseparable from relationship. (Helgesen, 1995, p. 16) The architect of the web works as the spider does, by ceaselessly spinning new tendrils of connection, while also continually strengthening those that already exist. The architects tools are not force, not the ability to issue commands, but rather providing access and engaging in constant dialogue (Helgesen, 1995, p. 13). The web procedure is something new, not just a team method; though a web of insertion usually fulfills a particular task, it is not dispersed upon reaching the purposes. Vice versa it plays a more long-term role as it outlines procedure as well as system, provides new ways of approaching problems, of thinking, of connecting people, of giving them information and motivating them (Helgesen, 1995, p. 33). In this way it is easier to achieve a mutual understanding as well as mutual agreement. Still, what is a female advantage? Can we say that women are better than men while being a leader? Women who made their minds to make a career change after several years of non-employment usually apply that time to check the nature of their job again in terms of more mature private and professional purposes. When they back to the place of employment, they feel better who they are indeed and what they are willing to do. As a rule these women can be a model for girls and for even for some men who, because of insecure place of employment, have to know how to change the places and how to be ready to be changed as well. (Helgesen, S. , 1997) Women are the greatest users of some general seminars, school courses, and private advancement programs. Women look for some new opportunities in training more actively, and they do not spare money and time for such purposes. Therefore, they are responsible for the things they do and they want to apply all their efforts. There are lot of women nowadays who are involved in entrepreneurship. â€Å"More than one-third of all small businesses are now owned by women†. (Helgesen, S. , 1997) Women had to discover strategies and methods that had to be suitable for the circumstances of the new economy and new world in general full of information. Womens biggest contribution to our life and our world can be their perseverance upon destroying the form rather than just setting. In such a way all this made them to invent innovated ways that are collectively reforming our world. Women have distinctive characteristics that can be called as `feminine principles that let them be better executives and leaders. These female principles express our cultures fundamental intentions about discrepancies between in what way women and men act and creation of such principles in the community results would lead to the better life. A wish to enhance personal relations, to treat everybody with respect, provide and distribute data and information, and work as a team group can be considered as feminine principles. A woman is charming and full of inspiration. A modern business woman is a cute, clever and astute, well-dressed lady. She is energetic and can manage people and money successfully. They can mobilize when it is needed, they are eager to adapt to the new conditions more quickly than men. If I had my own mercantile agency I would choose a woman for sure to work as a sales manager. Women are great diplomats. They have something that men lack in order to persuade people to buy something, for example. The strong point of women is paying attention to the details. Men are considered to behave more effectively at the top of the crisis, but it is more difficult for them to stand it for a long of time. Meanwhile, women are more sensitive towards stresses and other problems. However, they can firmly resist these problems if last for a long time. Women run risks less and they are more law-abiding than men. So, both women and men are human beings. They have much in common, but in the same time they really differ from each other. Men and women both have advantages and disadvantages. References 1. Helgesen, S. (1995). The web of inclusion. New York: Currency/Doubleday. 2. Wheatley, M. J. (1994). Leadership and the new science. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler. 3. Helgesen, S. (Spring, 1997). Women and the New Economy. Leader to Leader. pp. 34-39. 4. Helgesen, S. The Female Advantage: Womens Ways of Leadership. Doubleday, New York, N. Y. , 1990. 5. Mitstifer, D. I. (1995, October). Empowerment. Kappa Omicron Nu Dialogue, 5 (4), 1-2.

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